Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Beauty of Love

"Take away love, and our earth is a tomb." - Robert Browning

The subject of love is no doubt one talked of by all the best brain ever imaginable. I believe it stands either clearly or subtly as the quest of every human heart and soul. The New Testament writer Paul places our discussion in context by summarising in 1Cor. 13:13 that, what abides, withstanding the storms is either of hope, faith or love. He proceeds to conclude on which of these virtues is greatest, without leaving it to doubt or debate-LOVE IS THE GREATEST!

Richard Bach, known for his 1970's bestsellers Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, and others made an amazing statement on love, "True love stories never have endings."  I think all the writers, poets and philosophers have learnt to put the same thing about love in varying forms yet unequivocally pointing to the all Divine and beauty of love. I will try in the lines beneath to share what I have learnt of this beauty of love.

  • · Love must first be found with self. The first I have learnt of the life of love is that it must be found with oneself first. Motivational speakers, preachers, shrinks, advocate, philosophers have always spoken of a message of confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, personal value, etc. All this I have learnt is the foundational beauty, LOVE MUST FIRST BE FOUND WITH SELF!
    · Love, like a muscle must be exercised if it must find its full measure. By the eyes of faith we hope and seek for the magical fairies that comes with the feeling of love but I have learnt such as is felt must be cultured to grow in an environment where it thrives. We all have great capacity to love, if only we will exercise our potential enough, for love is in the action!
    · Love loves on. The end has always been the real beginning of love; love always hikes the mountain, crosses the ocean, and endures the valleys until the dragon is killed. No dragon stands in between the knight and the princess!
    · The Language of Love is spoken is simple terms. We think of the big things to show and express Love but love is truly found in the simple genuine smile, the kind words, the warm hug, etc. The seemingly unimportant acts which can be so easily neglected speak volumes of the heart we hold to love- The real place love exists is in the corridors of simplicity and candor!
  • ·  Living is an art in Loving. Lucile Aurore Duphin, the popular French Novelist and memorist known for her pseudonym, George Sand spells it well in her quote, "There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved". All noble acts in life are done with an enthusiasm only love can produce. Life begins with Love's beacon!
We are all born into a world, a world known very little to us at our entry, even unknown to us that such as we came was a gift of love. The love of them that bore us literally has made us who we are. The lessons from home, through school and all in life are learnt at Love's table. No better way to live life but to LOVE.

I conclude with a Saint Augustine's quote that inspires me every single time I hear it: "LOVE IS THE BEAUTY OF THE SOUL". No brighter light to shine, no perfect song to sing, no refreshing breeze to soothe than that of love. I wish and pray you love the rest of you life on earth, for all we are here to do is to love. In love is beauty such as I pray for you!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

What Became of Love?

I share this with an honest feeling I can not put my hands to. It appears a blend of sorrow, loneliness, distrust, rejection, and faith all mixed up. I find it a bit strange though how such diverse and intense feeling weigh on me at this time. The question of love and love stories bear much smiles with them that experience it, so why would I write of it without the intense joy? More has been sang, written, done, taught and felt about love than perhaps any other word. All stories that abides are either entirely love stories or one with an amazing touch of love. Do I seek to recount love stories or to dream of such stories in the pages I write?

Maybe precisely so, but more importantly, to ask the question of what has become of love? The post title is all I intend to achieve; to seek to know what has become of such as is called LOVE.

The question of what love is has always produced many unique answers as there are the many that answers. One word used often, understood relatively little about, and deeply in search for but quiet denied when found. I have always wandered if it were a legend, myth or reality when we talked of love. whatever it maybe I can only as much talk about my experience with certainty and hope others share their thoughts with us.

When I was growing up, I strangely believed that, nothing such as love existed until I was proved wholly wrong by an experience of love itself. The beauty and fangs of the time made it an experience worth talking about and less open to doubts. The lesson of the experience was quiet simple, to answer my childhood question of does love exist? Yes, love does exist! But the answer left a longing for such fullness every single minute.

I am yet to meet a human being who does not want to be loved every single minute and at least to share such love with somebody as often as they could their own love for them. February has always been an interesting month giving people a good opportunity to celebrate love at least once in a while. Must love thus be constraint to a day of the year or an hour in the clock?  Will such not defy what love may truly mean?

We only recount one month after the notable valentine's day and what has become of love? Has love become mere rhetoric and play acts without any real meaning and essence? Has it become a ploy for the strong to manipulate the weak?

May God help us all to find what love indeed is and how priceless such a gem is when found. May we endure to know what love truly is and to commit to living on such pure levels. Love is immense and intense, vast and all encompassing. Love can only be God!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Day of our Independence

Yesterday was truly an insightful day for me. It was a day that gave me an opportunity to recount the journey of my home fifty-five years down isle.

It was an inspiring stroll along our streets and slums, an inspiration of yet more work to be done. There is no doubt the heart of the sons and daughters of the land is deep but certainly our minds, work and results must in such grow to the size of our heart.
I guess among the myriad of question that flooded my thoughts yesterday during my walk, the question of what is it that we want to achieve as a nation stood key among them. I intend in this post to share and ask all readers across the globe that, what is it that we seek to achieve as a people? This question is one we must honestly find an answer to. My walk teased my suspicion into guessing that, we may not have, as a nation, 55 years down train decided what is it that we want. That is quiet embarrassing and heartbreaking but seemingly the truth.
I do not seek to tell woe stories neither to sing legend praises but to objectively look at the way we are en route as a nation. Such a path I strongly think we are not even aware of. I may as much write in the winds what I think but may God help us to change.
As I walked by the independence square and noticed the inscription of AD 1957, FREEDOM AND JUSTICE. My heart could not stop yearning for the clear aspirations of the fathers that sought freedom and justice and more importantly what was to the vision bearer of Ghana Freedom and what was to them Justice? I reasoned with myself to what shall we measure when we have the said dream of freedom and justice. But I guess it all comes back to our hopeful nature of things will turn out right.
I have known a truth under the sun, that nothing gets done until somebody does it. I do not yet again intend a long script but one to provoke thought once again of what is it that we want as a nation, hoping to insight among us the discuss of what path are we on? Shall we then sit in the midst of such questions and celebrate anniversaries when little or perhaps nothing has been done for a long time? I pray we may all rally around the tables of patriotism to reclaim a nation that had glory like gold and had a name as such. I pray we will not consider only the history in the pages of our books but will seek to add on until we have built a nation we shall be proud of.
I dream of home I can call home, home I can be proud of, one that is an example of what is it that faith can achieve. Let us gather around thoughtfulness and avail our hands to prudent work, our attitude to beneficence, our hearts to love, our minds to diligence and our culture to excellence. In such is there the dream of FREEDOM AND JUSTICE. The dream we must all dream and work toward for we've all got no home but HOME!