Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Pain of Letting Go

I have had the unpleasant experience of witnessing four deaths within the last few months. These may be people of no direct relation to me but it has been an opportunity to examine the pain of letting go since all these deaths were within my circle of connection. One among the deaths was an accident of a work colleague, another was the father of a favourite work colleague, the third was a friend's grandfather and the last of all happened about a week ago, the father of a lovely friend.

The stories are hard to tell since the memories may still be fresh in the minds of these grieving friends but the lessons I think, are what we must gleam as we share in their tears with sorrow. It is particularly hard for me to write this article because of the harm these deaths have caused in some of these families in question.

I do not seek to find answers to questions like: Why we must let go or how we even let go or things like the moral integrity of God as it were to He taking away. Honestly, I only write to empathize with the pain and strength of these friend who must learn to let go, perhaps letting go the hardest possible way.

The theme of death and letting go was one of my first inspirations when I found my ink to write as a young poet. It has always been a mystery on my mind. The quote of John Dryden in his most notable book, Aureng-Zebe, spells what I consider the problem of letting go. The problem of letting go is not in the act of letting go in itself but the pain mostly resides outside of the act itself:

"Death, in itself, is nothing; but we fear,
To be we know not what, we know not where." - JOHN DRYDEN, Aureng-Zebe 

All that it is to let go is to let go fear! Fear, a four lettered word which manifests itself in myriad forms and inflict people universally with pains. Whether it is the circumstance of death of a loved one, letting go a not so fruitful relationships, a career, a habit or any such things as may be considered as a loss. The real question of these circumstances is the single thought of what shall become of us when we let go. What if we never become better, or never find someone that good, or such things as fear will have us entertain, these are the fears that become the fangs that bites and hurts.

I write of the fear of the unknown, the single fear we all have and must confront if we must live life. I share the idea of, "we must overcome", to let go fear, especially of the unknown. In latter post we may consider how and why but let us establish the idea to let go. Let us rally around it and equally advocate for it, for I have witnessed many people becoming observers of life as the adventure and beauty of life pass them by because of fear. They have restricted grace and purpose because of fear of the unknown.
May the friends whose story inspired this have the strength to really let go, to remember the loss with the lessons and not the pain and may we all learn to live until we must embrace what we shall not be afraid of: THE UNKNOWN!

Monday, 14 May 2012

The Heart of a Mother

I seek to write of the heart of the best Mom that has ever being, most definitely, mine! She had little but gave all, she risked all to bring the best out of me. Sometimes I think about her with tears in my eyes. I even write this piece fully conscious of her infinite sacrifices and that stirs me up greatly with a profound gratitude to share for mothers.

I know without a doubt that this knowledge of my mother is no unique to me. Many across the globe can equally be grateful for angels such as mothers are. I share the heart of a mother, great lessons they teach the world:
  1. A mother's heart is position to conceive. A mother does not only have a womb to conceive but a heart that anticipate for the child. I barely remember my early days before I was two but I know there was somebody who conceived my hunger, sickness and hurts. It could only take a mother to conceive what was with me even when I had no clue.
  2. A mother's heart teaches. Nothing is as true of a Mom than a teacher. Noble in heart to teach the child the best way she possibly knows how. I've always known one best teacher: Mother!
  3. A mother's heart sacrifices. I remember growing up to see Mama virtually give up her life for mine. No job, No personal preferences, No life of her own but mine. She gives what is in her mouth to fill my own hunger, her cloth for my nakedness. All may give for a reason but I know she gives because she is a MOTHER.
  4. I have not known any hopeful heart than a mother's. This is a heart that endures nine months in hope for something she never knows, tends for it for years, all in HOPE of the best child ever born. It can only take a mother to hope and to bring the best out of a dispersed sperm cell.
  5. A mothers heart is a treasury of wisdom. As a teacher she teaches but a treasury I have an ever assuring knowledge of deposits. She never runs out of good council. She saw me through my youthful day of lots of vile heart and untempered exuberance with wisdom to guide and council. She turned a gentleman out of a youthful heart. It only takes a mother to do that.
  6. A heart strong enough to discipline. She never lets me go bad without correction. She straightened me on the part of discipline, a path necessary for all progress and success. As a child I hated her for than, but as a man I love her more for the courage to tamper discipline in goodwill.
  7. No home for Love than Mom's heart. I have known only one place to believe and to really trust love- In Mom's Bosom. All I could say of a mother's heart is one of LOVE!
Societies only live as long as mothers live. The more we loss them the more we shatter the foundations of all humanity and life is. I wish I could sing my mom a song or perhaps write her a poem yet with the world I share her immortal lessons. Lessons never to be forgotten for a MOTHER is an angle who never dies! She lives on at least, on the hearts of the children of every generation.


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

In Lowly Places

I will normally post a poem on the Poet's Diary, leaving its appreciation for the reader's own judgement. But in this post I share with the world, A message of humility and Love. A poetry with the mood and tone of a feeling of anticipation and joy, yet a prayer that the tender heart may not break. A poet from a romantic heart caught up in admiration as his ink bleeds of a jewel, 'ShANTY': enjoy the piece! Appreciation and comments welcomed...

 Such smiles certainly not there, if to find
Beauty, I’ll never cease to write, but not in such places to inspire
An angel found on the planes of service
Celestials with highness esteemed, and not of a hand amongst helps to lend
Yet there I met your smile; the smile all my life I to cherish

When the service beckoned, I to a dissert surrendered
For a heart to serve I’ve always prayed
But such heart in humiliation only to tilt
Touting I subjected myself to for tis to God’s heart I yearn
Least did I know, a twin there to find

Bodies lived distance apart though, yet with one soul
My minds have not stopped winning, and my heart not ceased to gladden
My countenance brighter and my eye ever to hope a look-upon
My eyes yet with tears wandering where you have been until such lowly lands
Leaving me to the torment of ‘aloneliness’ and the fangs of many rejections

Still waters spread amidst green pastures, yet only in valley’s found
The beauty always around that nature, breathtaking re-freshness, yea, Soothing!
Yet veiled in the base of the lowly places,
After the climbs and the sweats uphill then one may discover true beauty and nature’ best,
Hidden in lowly places!

I will never bow my head but my hands ever to raise for the discovery of my life in lowly places
I can only to God pray,
He that is The Author of all Beauty
That such as I’ve found in meekness may be the reality I’ve always searched for
That this may be the dream I’ve seen long coming

A memory always to keep of you-
One of Beauty, Charm and Serenity
Your Smile-My Love, Your Joy-My Endeavor: You, My Pursuit to Know,
That with you we may climb the worlds to change,
 For our journey down lowly isle just began!