is sort of an irony that we have some of the best economist the nation has ever
produced in government yet the Ghana Cedi has a mind of its own. Is it the case
that the cedi ‘no dey sabi’ book econometrics? This is a puzzle I attempt with
fun. Now let the games begin, please summon a prophetic convocation to arrest
the cedi however, as my form four economics may be shallow.
us begin from the beginning, shall we? The tales of money bares the stories
that a long time ago in ancient cultures, humanity had no need for ‘money’ as
our ancestors were hunter gatherers and organized societies as tribes and bands.
Tribes were predominately self-sufficient as they produced what they needed.
In rare occasion when there was a need for what they needed but was not within
their specialized skills to produce or their resources were limited in such
respect, they will exchange what they had for what they wanted from other
tribes. ‘Price’ was determined by how much demand there was for a good or
services and how much supply was available.
simple process of barter became the foundational understanding to modern
economics. The stories continue to speculate that the practice continues through
Ancient Egypt and it was not until 600BC when King Alytattes of Lydia
introduced the first coin minted as currency. Money had been born, but as
societies evolved and got complex, money took several forms although the base
ideology remained the same: Backed by ‘sovereignty’, ‘a standard for
measuring wealth’ and a ‘denominator for exchanging goods and
nature of the world may have significantly changed from what we assume ancient
civilizations to be but the underlying understanding of trade for which money
is needed remains very similar. Before this article gets overly ‘booklong’, there
is a rather fascinating story about money Francisco López de Gómara[1]
shares about money, “In 1519 Hernán Cortés and his conquistadors invaded
Mexico, hitherto an isolated human world. The Aztecs, as the people who lived
there called themselves, quickly noticed that the aliens showed an
extraordinary interest in a certain yellow metal. In fact, they never seemed to
stop talking about it. The natives were not unfamiliar with gold – it was
pretty and easy to work, so they used it to make jewellery and statues, and
they occasionally used gold dust as a medium of exchange. But when an Aztec
wanted to buy something, he generally paid in cocoa beans or bolts of cloth.
The Spanish obsession with gold thus seemed inexplicable. What was so important
about a metal that could not be eaten, drunk or woven, and was too soft to use
for tools or weapons? When the natives questioned Cortés as to why the
Spaniards had such a passion for gold, the conquistador answered, ‘Because I
and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only
with gold.’” This story is very familiar to what we are told of Gold Coast and
its colonization, I and my people suffer from a disease of the heart which can
only be cured with the dollar as our real value is neglected and plundered.
history tells us that our forefathers battered gold for mirrors, human beings
for gin, and such similar trades we may find humorous and sad at the same time.
That was rather ‘fair’ exchange one will argue. The philosophical problem of
‘fairness’ was fundamental to barter as that means of trade was bound to fail with
increasing civilization. With growing technology had come specialization and
full-time employment to provide such skills as carpenters, doctors, lawyers,
etc. The idea of specialization has become a dominate theory in international
trade, offering that, it is worthwhile to specialize nearly exclusively in the ‘product
of your strength’ and trade it with others for all the other goods one needed.
This sounds intuitive and we swallowed without questions, finding strength in
producing raw materials like gold, timber and recently oil.
however creates a problem – how do you manage the exchange of goods between the
specialists and how do you determine value of one’s specialties? The currency
problem I am therefore of the view is one rooted in valuation.
I proceed, the clarity by Yuval Noah Harari about what money is, is rather
helpful to our understanding of the problem, “Money is not coins and banknotes.
Money is anything that people are willing to use in order to represent
systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods
and services. Money enables people to compare quickly and easily the value of
different commodities (such as apples, shoes and divorces), to easily exchange
one thing for another, and to store wealth conveniently.”
the problem is valuation, but the nature of the valuation is a purely
subjective methodology based in our collective ‘trust’. What does
USD1/GHS5.5 mean? Considering the fact that the value of the dollar is only
rooted in the strength of the sovereignty that issues it and the willingness of
someone holding GHS5.5 to exchange it for one dollar, how shall we determine
such value in trust? Of course, it is more complex that just saying, trust.
This institutionalized ‘trust’ has been created through very complex and
long-term network of political, social and economic relations. I could rant on
these theories for days but let me move to summarize my thoughts with my
opinion of the solution:
- The dollar has value because of its principle of universal convertibility. The dollar has become the currency we revert to as the denominator for international trade and considering that we import toilet papers to poop (ooops), we are bound to need a lot of dollars for the loo. Is it possible to organize Africa differently with a more integrated political, social and economic relation where we do not need dollar to trade with Nigeria for example? Can we strengthen African cooperation as a reorganized tribe, electing to trust in the subjective valuation of our currency rather than electing another town’s paper because it has a face of a queen we became independent of?
- The idea of inviolability is somewhat built into the belief in ‘priceless’ things. Such things as honour, loyalty, morality and love. “These things lie outside the domain of the market, and they shouldn’t be bought or sold for money. Even if the market offers a good price, certain things just aren’t done. Parents mustn’t sell their children into slavery”. It will appear we are exchanging ‘priceless’ things for pennies and dollars. We are selling national pride and patriotism, selling ourselves short devoid of all things sacred. Perhaps if we found value and pride in Ghana, its value will appreciate with its currency.
- The basis of the depreciating cedi is our
collective mistrust. We have elected to trust the dollar driving its demand
rather than the cedi. We do not trust the next-door neighbour but we trust the
coin of other races. It is ironical Ghana Home Loans will easily offer a
loans in dollars for a property sold in dollars built by a foreign developer
who battered the land for a ridiculous exchange but the same organization
priding itself as Ghanaian will conveniently tell you it cannot finance a cedi
loan for the same property. The Finance house calls itself Ghana and yet trusts
the dollar, the developer uses a land in Ghana he got for chicken change but
trusts the dollar as a store of wealth and we dare question on what basis the
cedi falls? The joke is hidden in our collective mistrust of the sovereignty
that produces the currency Cedi.
- The mystery of the ‘market’ needs a bit more
coerced regulation. According to the Bank for International Settlements
triennial report of 2016, the foreign exchange market cap averaged $5.1
trillion per day with UK accounting for over 35% of the turnover and US about
20%. The two countries are therefore more likely to determine the direction of
the market as they jointly account for over 50% of the market turnover. There
is a rather interesting fact, the US Dollar makes up 85% of forex
trading volume. Let us assume for the purposes of humour that the market is
never rigged, although Barclay was fined $2.4bn for forex rigging in 2015. So
the assumption is a fair market but the question remains how is value of
Ghana’s specialties determined and how does that affect the demand for the
cedi. I find the comedy rift as big market players take position against
nations and through the sheer force of their long or short position drive the
currency in direction they desire for profit.
- We have all somewhat been convinced of an
invincible hand by Adams Smith, a half-truth for an era where economics has taken
a purely behavioural turn. The political economic gymnasts need to wake up from
the slumber of 1800 economics and nudge effective behavior among the
speculators who do profit of the fall of the cedi. The sovereign state of Ghana
needs to assert such sovereignty to rescue itself of such shame acting truly
independent to act in its self-interest not subject to the laughable theories
of demand and supply which could be primed to a statistical whim. Behavourial
economics clearly suggest irrationality of markets and thus after all that is
said, hotels will still charge in dollar equivalent irrespective of how little
we may understand their rational and these are the things the state must prevent
to manage the demand for the dollar. A state cannot be subject to an eternal
capitalist creed as short-term view of profit by businessmen gladly lead to a
trade of Ghana for pennies. The state must regulate the currency market if it
must gain the necessary control.
- There is a rather insightful solution from
the last verse in Genesis 41. In the spirit of a national cathedral shall we
listen to the word, “So all countries came into Egypt to Joseph to buy grains,
because the famine was severe in all the lands”. It is time we actively pursued
the training of men like Joseph in Ghana. Men and women of skill who have
solutions for which all the world will come to buy. I pay dollars to advertise
on Facebook, increasing the need of the dollar and fast pacing the depreciation
of the cedi because one young man created value on the web for which we all
assemble to give what he requests for the value he offers.
conclusion, let me remind all political actors of the trend of the Cedi for the
last twenty years. The trend of our currency since 1998 is purely exponential
with a curve: y=9E-07e0.0004x and correlation coefficient of R² =
0.9277. These are fact I share as an art of impressionism but for the lay
person it means that your value in Ghana cedi will fall by half almost
certainly every five years. But for those who bet against the Cedi they will increase
their worth 50% every 5 years.
will elect to preserve wealth in forms they find more enduring. Money is thus a
universal medium of exchange that enables people to convert almost everything
into almost anything else. The essential question in our dilemma of the falling
cedi should be what are we converting our resources to although we could be
truly self-sufficient with same? Everyone always wants dollar which drives its
demand because everyone else also always wants dollar. This may mean we are
exchanging all our resources for dollar which in itself means nothing except as
a means for what we truly want or need. My last thoughts are that, what can we
have as a tribe without needing the dollar? I pray in our pursuits to arrest
the cedi we find these answers rather than offertories in dollars, then perhaps
we would have solved one of our old aged problems, the dollarization of our
name is Yaw Sompa and it is indeed an AfricaLearn revolution, #EducatingTheMind
López de Gómara, Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, vol. 1, ed. D. Joaquin
Ramirez Cabanes (Mexico City: Editorial Pedro Robredo, 1943), 106.