When you drive through University of Ghana, you will
notice a giant statue of a book at the main entrance with one ancient aphorism that
has been viewed persuasively for years. The question however remains; Is
knowledge really power? Is power not just power or is money not the closest to power. This article was inspired by this statue
and will attempt to think of such things as real power is. I seek to question if
indeed knowledge can be said to be power. Before the long philosophical debate,
let’s tell ourselves a story.
Once upon a time, there lived a great and powerful emperor
who ruled Rome, Marcus Aurelius was his name. He was a man of great learning
and skill, considered with great respect and viewed as one of Rome’s most
worthy leaders. For all the great legacies of Marcus Aurelius, his meditations
are perhaps the most powerful extension of his influence. His writings and
learning, his knowledge of stoic philosophy has lived on for two millennia,
receiving praise from other leaders, philosophers and writers long after he is
dead and seemingly gone. It will appear in Marcus Aurelius, there is no debate;
Knowledge is truly the source of his power and a great legacy.
The great emperor, Marcus Aurelius, in his
writing had summed up the knowledge and principles necessary for a virtuous
life. He laid the foundation of what was the essence of power over self and of
a state. Just as one is tempted to conclude on the debate, the story gets
interesting. The great King is ill and must name an heir, one for whom the
knowledge of virtue, influence and power is persevered. Will the emperor adopt
an heir not of his bloodline or name his son, Commodus, as the next emperor? It
will have been an easier choice, except that, his son was not ready, speaking
as diplomatic of his incompetence as possible.
Commodus is certainly not the man Aurelius had written of
in his meditation, perhaps just the opposite of everything a virtuous man
should be; a man of little knowledge and discipline, so, if knowledge was
indeed power, he should be a man who has no business even as a candidate for
the job of the emperor. Marcus Aurelius seemed to have answered, knowledge is
power in words but will his choice of an heir affirm his believes and
If you have guessed by now, your guess is likely to be
right. Commodus is named the next emperor. It appears at this point, it not
about ‘know-how’ of an emperor’s job but the ‘Know-who’. Knowledge that gives
power is reduced to knowledge of who rather than what or even how. This article
therefore explores at its essence the ‘know-why’ of power.
The reign of Commodus marked the beginning of
the fall of the Roman Empire, the end of the era called, Pax Romana. Commodus
practically resigned from all responsibilities and handed the reign to Cleander,
a Phrygian slave. A man who schemed for more power, even a conspiracy to murder
Commodus, one Commodus escaped miraculously. The tragedy of Commodus’ reign was
his murder by Narcissus after the emperor decided to fight as a gladiator,
against the advice of the senate.
Commodus fought as an attempt to win back the
trust of the people for which Cleander’s epic failure had lost. There were
riots and chaos by the people and the emperor was going to fight in the arena,
a noble gesture it will seem, but just as the man he was, he cheated. He cheats
in the fight by giving the other warriors dull blades, yet again, he did not
have the knowledge or discipline of the arena but had the ‘power’ to do as he
pleased. To do as emperor what he wished without knowledge, he had hurried to
his own death, murdered by an old champion of the arena, a man who revenged the
murder of his friends in the arena. Commodus scared his legacy as perhaps an
emperor not to be remembered, at least not for the right reasons.
The central question is, why did Marcus Aurelius forsake
the knowledge that preserved him, swayed by the social connection to his son,
preferring willful ignorance to the wisdom of his own meditations? The answer appears
in the word, knowledge from whose etymology is ‘acknowledge’. Knowledge is
therefore only powerful to the extent that it is acknowledged. Commodus was the
prince, recognized as the next emperor irrespective of his competence. Power is
derived from recognition and that is exactly what the ancient ‘Scientia potentia
est’ means. What is recognized is therefore more important as a source of power
than the best techniques or facts known.
A classic example of how superior
knowledge may mean little without recognition is the technique of underhand
free throw in basketball. The science proves that, one is less likely to miss a
throw with this technique but its notoriety as the ‘granny style’ makes it
almost an unthinkable option for players although it is scientifically more
effective. So yes, know-how, know-what and even know-who may not always be
power but knowing why a group of people acknowledge something is surely power. Acknowledged
knowledge and social recognition is definitely more powerful than superior
So the next time you drive through the university of
Ghana, appreciate the essence of the statue as an effort to recognize knowledge’s
place in our society. Anytime you see the statue, be reminded and recognize that, knowledge
is indeed more powerful than money, because even money is a fictional creation
of men who knew what society will recognize in exchange for value.
This article seeks to humbly
suggest to you to examine the things you have recognized and more importantly
why you recognize those things as superior and by such have given power. Let us, as a society, examine the things we acknowledge as our communal wisdom, and let us
scrutinize it for virtuousness. It is my hope by such know-why we will align
power appropriately to where it belongs; for power must belong to wisdom,
purpose, courage, justice and a prosperous and happy society. And aww, never
think of knowledge as chewing, pouring and passing.

My name is Yaw Sompa, I am an African Child who believes
in the future of our continent.
Very insightful piece. God bless you